Wednesday, April 1

First me... Then God... Now the Church (Failure: Part 3)

The stake presidency is considering formal disciplinary action in your behalf, including the possibility of disfellowship or excommunication, because you are reported to have participated in conduct unbecoming a member of the Church.

You are invited to attend this disciplinary council to give your response, and, if you wish, to provide witnesses and other evidence in your behalf. Please note that any invited witnesses must be members of the Church. It is important for you to attend, that you are able to express fully your own thoughts and feelings.

The disciplinary council will be held Sunday, April 12th at 3:30p.m. at the North Seattle Stake Center...
This week is not going well. What's the point of going forward? I have nothing else to say.


  1. I'm sorry to hear this.

    If you need some moral support, please e-mail me (address on my blogger profile). I live nearby.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear this :( My Heart skipped a beat when I read that first sentence, so I can only image what you must be going through. Hang in there.

  3. I know it looks bad but hang tight. Sounds like you have support via your blog. You're not alone.

  4. Mark, I know this might not help but it is worth saying. Any excommunication is just an administrative function. Any member who is excommunicated and then re-baptized the date that is put as the baptism is your original baptism and not the new one. Which goes to show that they can not take away the gifts that God has given you.

  5. My heart is with you. Stay strong.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am speechless--because I know how strong your faith is. I've only had one conversation with you in a chat, and you helped me see my bitterness and by making me see it I was able to work on letting it go.

    Forgive them, Mark, for they know not what they do.

  8. Church leaders are bullies when they take this action. Let them have their church, their dogma, its hate, their feelings of unworthiness, its loneliness, their worship of a hard, cold, and loveless God. What kind of a father is this professed Heavenly Father anyway? I can’t understand the “Plan of Salvation.” The notion that this life is a test and only those who prove themselves worthy can return to His presence is one of the stupidest, cruelest, and I’d dare add evil teachings in the arsenal of patriarchal bigots who have corrupted the priesthood. I have a son. He is precious to me. Watching him grow, make mistakes, question, learn, become the young man that he is, has been and is one of the greatest blessings in my life because I’ve experienced Love as unconditional. Mark, they may take your membership, but they can’t terminate your relationship with God. It is hard leaving the security and familiarity of the sheepfold that they’ve constructed. Have you seen a sheepfold? If I was a sheep, I’d much rather be out on the meadow with all of its dangers. I am willing to take such a risk because I trust the Shepherd. Let me be the second to welcome you to the meadow. Reading your blog, I have no doubt about who was the first! :-)

  9. Better to Resign, and leave on your own terms, with you head held high, than participate in a church court. CHurch Courts have no place in a church that has the name of Christ in it. Who wants to have that experience in their memory? You love the Gospel, served a mission, gave much. Don't let them tell you who you are is not worthy.

  10. I'm so sorry for you mark, your blog has helped me so much, reading this post shocked me, but I hope you still attend church. I know that when I find that special someone and raise afamily with him and am excomuncated I will still attend church.
